If you're passionate about helping survivors of human trafficking, then you'll want to make sure you're up-to-date on all the latest best practices.
Quick Summary:
Over 30 training videos delivered to you every couple of days in an email series
Wide range of topics covered based on 20 years of direct experience building trafficking shelter programs
Covering most of the pressing questions that outreach workers and directors ask
Practical "how to" series and informal style video in an ask-me-anything video series
If you're serious about making a difference in the fight against human trafficking, then these training videos will help you get started and help you go far.
Here are just a few of the videos you will get access to.
How to start a human trafficking program
How to get a building for your human trafficking program
How to fundraise for your human trafficking program
How to get your building remodeled for free
How to run a survivor led program
Critical checklists for your efforts to fight human trafficking
Get the Resources to Stop Human Trafficking here.