Next Level Fundraising E-Book

How To Raise More Funding To Help More Survivors of Human Trafficking

Fundraising today is more competitive and harder than ever before.

Quick Summary

  • Outline for how we raise $14.5 million dollars each year to fight human trafficking

  • E-book containing the secret to ensuring your fundraising budget thrives in today’s competitive fundraising environment

  • The 4 clear steps you can take today to get you on the path to increased fundraising

  • More than 40 information packed pages to take your fundraising to the next level

  • BONUS: Additional free e-book our 9 Funding Stream Outline for how we raise $14.5 million dollars each year to fight human trafficking

And, meeting the needs of survivors is harder (and more costly) than ever before.Funding streams that used to be solid and "sure" can suddenly stop and leave you and your program or your efforts desperate for funding.

So, how do you ensure that your staff and your programs continue to grow and even thrive in today's fundraising environment?

Not only does this e-book share how we got through this insane season (and believe me there have been several others with these government grants).

But it also dives deep into these areas as well:

The secret to ensuring your fundraising budget thrives in today’s competitive fundraising environment

The 4 clear steps you can take today to get you on the path to increased fundraising

Our 9 Funding Stream Outline for how we raise $14.5 million dollars each year to fight human trafficking

More than 40 information packed pages to take your fundraising to the next level

If we had to pick just one secret to share with you that we know would change EVERYTHING for your fundraising efforts, it would be this one.

If you’re a seasoned fundraiser who has raised millions but is feeling the mounting pressures of increased needs and decreased funding availability, this e-book is for you.

It will bring fresh, out of the box and proven strategies successfully being used by the nation’s largest human trafficking recovery center.

Or, if you’re a complete beginner who is looking for a solid foundation to start building your fundraising efforts on, this e-book is for you.

It will give you the exact information my wife and I DESPERATELY needed but didn't have when we first started serving victims and survivors 18 years ago.


Another e-book outlining in greater detail our 9 Funding Systems and exactly how much each raises, the details about how each one is raised, and what the net funding is out of expenses for that funding stream 

Get the Next Level Fundraising E-Book and BONUS here